
A Grazing Mace - .TTF

12089 Downloads Download

A Grazing Mace Gothic

Please see the enclosed file "FSLA_NonCommercial_License.html", or visit the link for the terms of use of this font. Long story short, you can use this font for free for Non-Commercial (Personal) use, but if you want to use it for Commercial use you will need to purchase a license here:

Font NameDateFile Size
FSLA_NonCommercial_License.html 2017-01-24 5 KB
Get Commercial License.url 2017-11-20 135 B
A Grazing Mace.otf 2018-07-06 19 KB

Font Details

Title : Cyborg 45
Type : Regular
Description : -
Version : 1.0
Date : July 4th, 2001
Author : Sebastian "GeN" Bentler
E-mail :
Web Site :

This font is Copyright (c)2001, Sebastian Bentler.
I am not responsible for any damage this font may cause to your
system or to yourself.

You may distribute this font as long as you include this text
file untouched AND E-mail me to notify me what you are doing
with it AND distribute it without any charge (for example on
the internet).

BUT you MAY NOT distribute this font on any electronic
format (CD-ROM, etc.) without a written permission of me,
Sebastian Bentler.

A Grazing Macefont download, A Grazing Mace font.