
Arsenica - ttf

Serif 14 font files
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Arsenica Serif

Arsenica font


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Arsenica is a serif typeface designed by Francesco Canovaro for Zetafonts, and developed by a design team including Mario De Libero, Andrea Tartarelli and Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini.

The design of Arsenica takes its inspiration from italian poster design at the beginning of the century, a time where typography, lettering and illustration where closely interwoven. Dawning nationalist movements, rather than using the modernist language, pushed on traditional Old Style letterforms often imbued with Art Nouveau and Deco sensibility. Artists like Giorgio Muggiani not only illustrated posters for Cinzano, Pirelli and Rinascente, but also provided logo design for newspapers, like "Il Popolo d'Italia".

Starting from this mix of eclectic influences, Canovaro first developed the Arsenica Antiqua family, designed as display typeface that keeps the original Old Style low-contrast, wide proportions and quirky stylistic inventions. These where then distilled in a high contrast, Arsenica Display family, expanding the weight range to include both poster, ultrabold weights and lighter weights that give the design a distinct calligraphic flavour. Bringing the letterforms into contemporary taste meant also developing alternate letterforms that were included in the Arsenica Alternate family, that drops the art nouveau details in favour of a more controlled modern serif aesthetic. Finally, Arsenica Text was developed by expanding the design space in the optical size axis, creating a low contrast, strongly readable old style typeface family, with a reduced weight set, oriented for long body copy typesetting.   

ArsenicaArsenica fontArsenica font bigArsenica font textArsenica font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
Arsenica-by-zetafonts.png 2021-11-18 1115 KB
Arsenica-Family-CC-BY-NCLicensepdf.pdf 2021-11-18 218 KB
ArsenicaTrial-Bold.ttf 2021-12-10 156 KB
ArsenicaTrial-BoldItalic.ttf 2021-12-10 160 KB
ArsenicaTrial-Demibold.ttf 2021-12-10 153 KB
ArsenicaTrial-DemiboldItalic.ttf 2021-12-10 155 KB
ArsenicaTrial-Extrabold.ttf 2021-12-10 185 KB
ArsenicaTrial-ExtraboldItalic.ttf 2021-12-10 160 KB
ArsenicaTrial-Italic.ttf 2021-12-10 148 KB
ArsenicaTrial-Light.ttf 2021-12-10 145 KB
ArsenicaTrial-LightItalic.ttf 2021-12-10 147 KB
ArsenicaTrial-Medium.ttf 2021-12-10 152 KB
ArsenicaTrial-MediumItalic.ttf 2021-12-10 151 KB
ArsenicaTrial-Regular.ttf 2021-12-10 147 KB
ArsenicaTrial-Thin.ttf 2021-12-10 144 KB
ArsenicaTrial-ThinItalic.ttf 2021-12-10 145 KB

Font Details

DEMO/TRIAL fonts, in this case, 'Monologue Font' could only be used for testing pusposes for as long is required to make a decision on whether or not you will purchase a license. Any professional or commercial projects require the purchase of a full version. If the font will be transmitted or used by a client, the client must purchase an appropriate license.
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END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THE INCLUDED ZETAFONTS FONTS This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (as an individual) and Zetafonts fonts foundry for the digital typeface software - hereafter "fonts" included in this package: Arsenica Family created by zetafonts The fonts in this package are released under a creative commons - attribution - non commercial (CC BY-NC) License. This license lets you freely use and alter them for your design work as long as the new work is non-commercial and ZetaFonts is credited. 01] You may install and use an unlimited number of copies of the fonts. 02] You can make archival copies of the fonts for your own purposes. 03] You may modify the fonts for your own purposes, but the copyright remains with the author, and you are not allowed to distribuite renamed, edited or derivative works, either for profit or not. 04] You must include the credit line below: (Font: Arsenica Family by Zetafonts - To acquire a FULL LICENSE for commercial use (allowing file release to a prepress bureau and embedding in other software files, such as Portable Document Format (PDF) or Flash files), visit the url: Zetafonts expressly disclaims any warranty for the fonts. The fonts and any related documentation is provided as is; without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the fonts remains with you. Copies of the fonts may not be distributed or shared in any way (for profit or free of charge) either on a standalone basis or included as part of your own product. In no event shall Zetafonts or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if Zetafonts has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. The fonts included are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. For more info and commercial licence notice visit: or write to: Should you have any questions concerning this EULA, please contact Zetafonts via its website at http:/, or write directly to Zetafonts, Arsenicafont download, Arsenica font.