
Chapter One Vintage - .TTF

Eroded 2 font files
12158 Downloads Download

Chapter One Vintage Eroded

ChapterOne Vintage Free font

ChapterOne Vintage Free fontChapterOne Vintage Free font bigChapterOne Vintage Free font textChapterOne Vintage Free font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
ChapterOne Vintage Free.otf 2017-02-26 65 KB
ChapterOne Vintage Free.ttf 2017-02-26 114 KB
ChapterOne_Preview_01.jpg 2017-02-18 385 KB
ChapterOne_Preview_02.jpg 2017-02-18 878 KB
ChapterOne_Preview_03.jpg 2017-02-18 539 KB
ChapterOne_Preview_04.jpg 2017-02-18 540 KB
ChapterOne_Preview_05.jpg 2017-02-20 250 KB
ChapterOne_Preview_06.jpg 2017-02-19 1072 KB
ChapterOne_Preview_07.jpg 2017-02-19 1210 KB
ChapterOne_Preview_08.jpg 2017-02-19 1067 KB
ChapterOne_Preview_09.jpg 2017-02-19 1077 KB
Full Version.url 2017-02-26 101 B

Font Details

Introducing Lancastershire (Version 1.0; 02-24-2004), an "HT Original"
font... I would call the style casual calligraphy, good for informal
correspondence perhaps... I really like the look and feel of this
font,... especially the way it looks on paper... I figured I'd add a few
simple 'bookend type' ornaments to spice it up a little... And I like
the idea of the alternate characters for the 'number sign', 'ampersand',
and 'at symbol'...

The font contains a full character set, and in addition includes 5
alternates and 10 ornaments (Alt+60100 to 60114)... Check out the
included WRI file using the TTF font and WordPad to view the entire
available character set...

NOTE 1: Remember to open the TTF font before opening the WRI file in
order to view the file properly using the font...
NOTE 2: The font prints very nicely as small as 10 points...
NOTE 3: If you see any problems with the font let me know.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome...


Chapter One Vintagefont download, Chapter One Vintage font.