
Crazy Fever - otf

Fire - Ice
1097 Downloads Download

Crazy Fever Fire - Ice

Crazy Fever font

Thank you for downloading my font!
Please note that this is a DEMO version of the font!
The FULL version comes with kerning and more international characters - often with both ligatures, contextual alternates and other yummy stuff!

This font is copyright (c) Jakob Fischer, all rights reserved.
Do not distribute without my permission.

Use this font for non-commercial use only!
Always contact me if you plan to use the font commercially, or if you are not sure whether your use is personal or commercial!

For more original fonts take a look

Have fun and enjoy!

Jakob Fischer

Crazy FeverCrazy Fever fontCrazy Fever font bigCrazy Fever font textCrazy Fever font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
crazyfeverDEMO.otf 2023-06-17 64 KB
readthis.rtf 2023-05-23 1 KB

Crazy Feverfont download, Crazy Fever font.