
Decadentia - .TTF

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Decadentia Gothic

Decadentia font

Decadentia fontDecadentia font bigDecadentia font textDecadentia font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
Decadentia.ttf 2002-05-08 162 KB

Font Details

?????????????????????????? COPYRIGHT LAW ???????????????????????????

This is a layman's explanation of the Copyright Law.

Copyright law gives protection to the authors of "original
works of authorship". Such works include literature, drama, music,
art and certain intellectual works. It does not matter whether such
work is published or unpublished.

Mere OWNERSHIP of a book, manuscript, painting, or any other
copy does not give the possessor the copyright.

Copyright is secured automatically when the work is created.
A work is created when it is fixed in a copy for the first time. "Copy"
means material objects from which a work can be read or visually seen
either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.

????????????????????? Examples of PERSONAL USE ??????????????????????
Dance/Theatre Programs, Business Letterhead, Business Print
Ads, Posters to announce Events, School Projects.
Also = Fonts are copyright protected. This means you not re-sell
the font as a product. But using them on articles that are sold for
profit does not violate Copyright Law

???????????????????? Examples of FOR PROFIT USE ?????????????????????
Using a design on t-shirt, stationary, jewerly, etc. for sale
or trade. Any .GIF or .JPEG or other electronic design found on this
web site are the exclusive property of California Celtic Creations (TM)
and may NOT be used by others.

If you wish to use any design FOR PROFIT please send an e-mail to with the Subject: Copyright.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? COPYRIGHT SYMBOL ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
The copyright symbol ? , the words "All rights reserved" or "Copyright"
are not necessary to show that a work is copyrighted. In fact certain
pieces of art would be "damaged" by affixing the copyright symbol ? or
other markings. So, do not assume that a piece of work is free to use
if it does not show the copyright symbol ? .

The above information is a loose interpretation of the law. For more
detailed information there are many sites on the 'Net. Use your web
broswer and type in "Copyright Law".

The Celtic Lady will display the ? when it does not detract
from the artwork. When possible, a ascii text file will be included
with any computer files offered by The Celtic Lady. Such a file will
list restriction to the use of the artwork found with said computer
files. In general, The Celtic Lady's art is intended for personal use
only. It may be used in dance or play programs as long as no more than
five (5) designs are included in any one publication and ? is shown or
reference somewhere in the publication. Such art may also be used for
business needs, such as business cards or advertisements; but the ?
must be included and no more the five (5) designs.

For additional use or to request information on licensing any piece
of art by The Celtic Lady, e-mail
with the Subject: Copyright.


Original work may be created by The Celtic Lady and offered for sale by
others. For information regarding this e-mail . If
anyone brings to the attention of The Celtic Lady an illegal use of
her work, that person will be rewarded in a manner appropriate.

------------------------- PROTECTION -------------------------------
Copyright law gives protection to the authors of "original works of
authorship". Such works include literature, drama, music, art and
certain intellectual works. It does not matter whether such work is
published or unpublished.

Copyright is secured automatically when the work is created. A work is
created when it is fixed in a copy for the first time. "Copy" means
material objects from which a work can be read or visually seen either
directly or with the aid of a machine or device.

# The Celtic Lady #
# California Celtic Creations #
# #

Decadentiafont download, Decadentia font.