
Dilate - .TTF

12104 Downloads Download

Dilate Gothic

dilate. font

dilate. fontdilate. font bigdilate. font textdilate. font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
dilate.ttf 1998-02-16 18 KB

Font Details


unzip to any folder, copy or send to c:\windows\fonts....


NOTICE: This font only features lower case letters - there
also is a "Qu" symbol -- this can be accessed using the capital
Q. The font is patterned after an inscription found in North Africa,
and was designed by R. Ben Madison.

this font is freeware, but donations would certainly be
accepted. if you'd prefer not to donate to me, help out
someone else in need...

comments to:

Andy Krahling
sunwalk fontworks, manchester, nh

custom fonts available, contact me!

Dilatefont download, Dilate font.