
DK Louise - .TTF

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DK Louise Various

DK Louise font

DK Louise fontDK Louise font bigDK Louise font textDK Louise font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
DK Louise.otf 2012-07-04 38 KB
License & FAQ.pdf 2014-02-11 29 KB
Louise-Poster-2.png 2012-07-02 34 KB

Font Details

Broken ABC

Wer Weihnachten lieber bauhaus?hnlich begeht, braucht keine
Christbaumkugeln. Aber vielleicht "Broken ABC" f?r seine
zeitgeistigen Neujahrsgr??e. Eckig wie Breuers Wassily-Chair.

Wer die Xmas-Show lieber gem?tlich dekoriert, greife zu der kugeligen
"Broken ABC Round" und lege "White Christmas" von Bing Crosby auf .
(Oder singt das jetzt Cher mit nervt?tender elektronischer
Verzerrung? Na wenns schee klingt ...)

? Manfred Klein, all rights reserved, for private use only; Nov-27-2001.

Those who celebrate Christmas the Bauhaus way don't need
colorful balls to decorate their Christmas trees with.
But maybe "Broken ABC" for their contemporary seasonal
greetings. Angular like Breuer's Wassiliy Chair.

Those who prefer a classical decoration for the Xmas-show
might use the spherical "Broken ABC Round" while they are
listening to "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby. (Or is it
one of those pesky resampled songs by Cher now?
Well, if it sounds nice ...)

? Manfred Klein, all rights reserved, for private use only; Nov-27-2001.

DK Louise font download, DK Louise font.