
Embrush - .TTF

12003 Downloads Download

Embrush Various

Embrush font

Embrush fontEmbrush font bigEmbrush font textEmbrush font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
licencia.txt 2002-05-30 2 KB
license.txt 2003-07-31 2 KB
EMBRUSH.ttf 2005-03-08 90 KB

Font Details

The licensing information on this page overrides any other information anywhere else.
The information found on this page is subject to change at any time without any given notice.
By downloading a Typephases typeface, you agree to these terms of use.
Note that the word ?Font? or ?Fonts? in the terms refers to any Typephases font or typeface.

The fonts provided for free download at the Typephases website are free for non-commercial use only, meaning your own personal use only.
If you wish to publish a design that use our fonts in any form (either electronically or on printed form), or displayed in a commercial product, you must contact us to request a licence, according in its case, to the fee schedule detailed in the Typephases website.

All Typephases Fonts are the sole property of Joan M. Mas and and Typephases Fonts. All rights are reserved.

You may not sell any of these Fonts.
You may not edit a Font?s outlines, data or name. Nor may you create alternate versions of a Font.
You may not distribute a Font without my permission.
No Font may be included on a compact disc or mass distributed in any other way without first obtaining my permission.

Commercial fonts and licenses for commercial use can be obtained exclusively from the Typephases website and the authorized distributors indicated in the Typephases Website, if any.

Once you have obtained our use license, the Typephases font(s) must be used exclusively by the person or company that has paid the license fee; you may make a single backup copy and use the font(s) in a maximum of 5 cpu units. The typefaces cannot be transfered to a third party in any form; any third party must purchase a separate license.

I, Joan M. Mas, am not liable for any damage (in any form) that may be incurred by using any Typephases Fonts typeface, whether obtained from this site or found anywhere else on any other media.

If you have any questions, visit our website or contact us in the email address or contact form provided at the site.

These terms were last revised 1 June 2002.
(c) 1998 - 2002 Joan M. Mas -- Typephases --

Embrushfont download, Embrush font.