
Etcher Skesch - .TTF

Various 2 font files
15061 Downloads Download

Etcher Skesch Various

EtcherSkesch Regular font

EtcherSkesch Regular fontEtcherSkesch Regular font bigEtcherSkesch Regular font textEtcherSkesch Regular font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
.DS_Store 2007-06-24 6 KB
etcher04.ttf 2007-06-24 13 KB
etcher04i.ttf 2007-06-24 9 KB
readme-etcher.txt 2007-06-24 1 KB

Font Details

ETCHER SKESCH regular and inverse A true type font by P.D. Magnus

This full keyboard font is designed to look like geometric, woodblock lettering. It resembles somewhat the blocky initials of hiphop lithographer Maurits Cornelis, aka MC Escher.

Etcher Skesch is copyright 2005-7 by P.D. Magnus.


Fontmonkey fonts are free for for all use, commercial or non-commercial.
To be clear: They do not cost anything.

If you do use them for something, though, I would love to here about it.
I would appreciate a sample of the thing for which you used the font, a
photo of it, or even just an e-mail telling me about it.

You can contact me via the website or by e-mail at

You are also encouraged to acknowledge fontmonkey or link to me, although
neither is strictly speaking required.

The font files may be freely distributed provided this license,
attribution to me, and the fontmonkey URL are included.


24jun2007 changed naming to play nice
1apr2006 changed license 14jun2005 first release

Etcher Skeschfont download, Etcher Skesch font.