
Faeronic - .TTF

12185 Downloads Download

Faeronic Science-Fiction

Faeronic font

Faeronic fontFaeronic font bigFaeronic font textFaeronic font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
faeronic.ttf 2007-03-11 48 KB
ReadMe.rtf 2007-03-11 126 B

Font Details

Thank you for downloading a Planet Font!


This Planet font is a PC TrueType font. It has a full character set in both
upper- and lower case, full punctuation, most international characters,
accents etc. and it contains an extensive kerning table.

Currently all of the typefaces in the planet Font Family are CD-Ware and
free for non-commercial use. That means, for each typeface you want to
license for commercial use, you must mail us a CD of something you like:
Music you have made, love or designed the cover for or a multimedia or
software title...

Such a CD in our mailbox buys you a personal, non-transferable but
everlasting license to use that typeface for commercial projects. And most
probably a personal review of the CD from the font designer.

If you like what you did with our fonts, you are more than welcome to send a
copy, a screenshot or a scan of the product back to us. We are always eager
to see how people use the fonts, and we're collecting examples for future
publishing on the web.

This Planet Font is copyright ? 1996 by Mads Rydahl, All Rights
Reserved. It is distributed free, provided all files in this archive
(including this text ducument) are included. User groups and
shareware/public domain outlets may distribute the font under these
contitions, provided that credit is given next to the font or next to any
link to the font. This credit shall take the form of a clearly readable text
stating the name of the designer and a link to The Planet website at

T h e P l a n e t

multimedia design studio

Klerkegade 19, 4.
DK-1308 Copenhagen K Denmark

Phone +45 33 93 00 20
Mobile +45 21 79 08 66

private mail:
Company site:
Company mail:


Faeronicfont download, Faeronic font.