
Himawari Script - .TTF

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Himawari Script Handwriting

Himawari Script DEMO font

Himawari Script DEMO fontHimawari Script DEMO font bigHimawari Script DEMO font textHimawari Script DEMO font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
Hanoded Fonts License & FAQ - READ ME.pdf 2019-11-22 61 KB
Himawari Script DEMO.otf 2019-11-22 29 KB
Himawari Script Poster 1.png 2019-11-22 35 KB

Font Details

From August, 1932 comes the 8th alphabet by Alf R. Becker, as published in Signs of the Times magazine by ST Publications. Narrow and elegant is the key to this font, only I've made the serifs a little bigger than you normally find on a face like this. This is a font for signs, after all. And there's nothing worse than disappearing serifs once you back up for a good look at your handiwork. There's a lot of simplicity in this font, mixed in with the usual complexities, like that killer lowercase g that is sure to leave you drooling with excitement--or possibly despair, for those with a weak viewpoint.

Himawari Scriptfont download, Himawari Script font.