
Humato Family - ttf

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Humato Family Bold

Humato Family font

Humato has to do with Humus, therefore with life.

Humato Heavy is a family of display fonts, very thick, with a square proportion and rounded corners.

Two main styles: Regular and Small Caps.

The fonts have a detailed configuration of Metrics and Kerning. You will find in the commercial version 3 sets of Capital letters, 5 sets of lower case letters and 10 of numbers, in addition, they include alternative characters and advanced Open Type functions, in addition, two extra complete versions, broken style, which can also be used as a layer font.



Humato FamilyHumato FamilyHumato FamilyHumato FamilyHumato Family

Font NameDateFile Size
Humato-Hv-Broken-FFP.ttf 2021-08-30 54 KB
Humato-Hv-FFP.ttf 2021-08-30 49 KB
Humato-heavy-fonts.png 2021-08-30 110 KB
Humato-broken-style.png 2021-08-30 38 KB
Humato-fonts-styles.png 2021-08-30 19 KB
deFharo-FREE_FOR_PERSONAL_USE_ONLY.pdf 2021-08-30 38 KB
Specimen-Humato-Fonts.pdf 2021-08-30 187 KB

1. Copyright The given typeface is the intellectual property of deFharo, provided it is original, and is protected by copyright laws in many parts of the world. 2. Personal Use The given typeface may be downloaded and used free of charge for personal use, as long as the usage is not racist or illegal. Personal use refers to all usage that does not generate financial income in a business manner, for instance: – personal books for yourself – recreational websites and blogs for friends and family – prints such as flyers, posters, t-shirts for churches, charities, and non-profit organizations 3. Commercial Use Commercial use is not allowed without prior written permission from the author Fernando Haro. Please contact to ask for commercial licensing. Commercial use refers to usage in a business environment, including: – business cards, logos, advertising, websites for companies – t-shirts, books, apparel that will be sold for money – flyers, posters for events that charge admission – freelance graphic design work – anything that will generate direct or indirect income 4. Modification The given typeface may not be modified, altered, adapted or built upon without written permission by Fernando Haro. This pertains all files within the downloadable font zip-file. 5. Distribution While the given typeface may freely be copied and passed along to other individuals for private use as its original downloadable zip-file, it may not be sold or published without written permission by deFharo. 6. Disclaimer The given typeface is offered ‘as is’ without any warranty. author of the given typeface shall not be liable for any damage derived from using this typeface. By using the given typeface you agree to the terms of this license. For more info and commercial licence notice visit: HUMATO URL or write to: FREE FOR PERSONAL USE LICENSE In this license, ‘the given typeface’ refers to the given .zip file, which may contain one or numerous fonts and other files. These fonts can be of any type (.ttf, .otf, .eot, .svg, woof …) and together they form a ‘font family’ or in short a ‘typeface’. created by deFharo Humato Heavy & BrokenThis agreement relates to use all fonts that are not within the terms of a commercial license, you must read this agreement carefully before downloading , using, installing , send or receive any of my fonts. The product that welcomes this agreement refers to the fonts , images, names and other files in the package. Zip file you downloaded and are the work of Fernando Haro. By downloading , using, installing , receive or transmit the product you agree to each of the points set out below. If you do not agree or accept any of the following , do not use , install or download the product. 1 The user undertakes not to sell , share, distribute or send the product to other people or equipment commercially. 2 You may not use this product to imitate or modify its name. 3 You agree not to use this font in a commercial context or for profit . 4 You agree to respect the author’s name not hiding or changing it as the owner of the copyright . 5 You understand that make commercial use without the appropriate license will subcetible of legal action by the author: Fernando Haro. 6 The user assumes responsibility for the misuse of this typography and by not following this agreement agrees to pay any penalty calculated by Fernando Haro and court costs. Getting a business license is highly recommended for any professional or media to avoid any future misunderstanding . If you are planning to use this font commercially without a license or in violation of any of these points is better than no follow and meditate again. Users of this typeface are required to read the agree- ment and check that the product they are using is regularized . Ignorance of this agreement or not having read the documents attached to the font does not exempt him from responsibility. The fonts included are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other inte- llectual property laws and treaties. END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THE INCLUDED DEFHARO FONTS This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (as an individual) and deFharo pro fonts for the digital typeface software, hereafter "fonts" included in this package:;}HFLåORTXYWyzv7Snr]jo{í© by deFharo Humato Latîn Ëxtè?ded-Å • ??? glyphs • Open Type Features Regular & Small Caps font ? 2 0 2 1CHAR A CTER SE T • HUMATO HEA VY • 8 4 1 GLY PHS AABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ aabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz «00123456789» «??????????» The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ™ ? © ?? ? ® ?? ?? ! " ????^v›‹-| ?0¦? ?ß && $$ @@ . , : ; ’ ” ` # [{( )}] * !¡ ¿? ? ? /<-> ? © ????, - For information purposes only.CHAR A CTER SE T • HUMATO HEA VY BROKEN • 8 4 1 GLY PHS AABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ aabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz «00123456789» «??????????» The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ™ ? © ?? ? ® ?? ??   ????^v›‹-| ?0¦? ?ß && $$ @@ . , : ; ’ ” ` # [{( )}] * !¡ ¿? ? ? /<-> ? © ????, - For information purposes only.A A A A ?aaaa? ²222² ? ? ? 2 A A A A ?aaaa? ²222² ? ? ? 2 A A A A ?aaaa? ²222² ? ? ? 2 Regular & Broken v v A A A A ?aaaa? ²222² ? ? ? 2 Small Caps Small Caps Broken © ????, - For information purposes only. ? The family is only happy when he plays.?? Ññ Ll Øø ?? ?? ÁÁáá Ğğ ?d Oo ÅÅåå ?? Ss Zz ?? ?? Ee Çç Ùù Gg DIACRITICS © ????, - For information purposes only.???? $$€£ƒ l¤e?? ???? 0123 %‰%‰ ?¬=?? ?§?? ????? +-×÷ ¥??? l#y#z#d# e#n#m#r# ??¢? A 39² Ta²O6 2 70/450 ???????? 01 23 ?????? NUMERALS © ????, - For information purposes only.S.ª 1er Male D.r ? Nº ? ? 4th ?? ? XXIe 1.º 2 ª 2 e 1re 1st 2 nd 3srd ORDINALS © ????, - For information purposes only.aalt, nalt, Stylistic Set (ss01, ss02, ss03) © ????, - For information purposes only. 100% FOR COMMERCIAL VERSIONS % • % ? > ? ch > ch ct > ct st > st ff > ff fl > ? fi > ? fj > fj ffi > ffi ffj > ffj ffl > ffl ij > ? $ > $ & > & @ > @ DE > ? PU# > ? IN# > ?? RE# > ® TM# > ™ S M# > ? CO# > © CL# > ?? FU# > " HH# > ! CZ# > ?? ? > ? Discretionary Ligatures (dlig) a# > ? ** > ? *** > ? !! > ! !? > ? ?! > ? c/o > ? c/u > ? a/c > ? a/s > ? 0/0 > % 0/00 > ‰ 1/2 > ½ 1/3 > ? 1/4 > ¼ 1/8 > ? 2/8 > ? 3/4 > ¾ 3/8 > ? 5/8 > ? 7/8 > ? pez > pez b# > ? y# > y# l# > l# e# > e# m# > m# z# > z# r# > r# d# > d# n# > n# - - - > ? =/ > ? JR#>JR# Standar Ligatures: (liga) Keys Keys Keys Keys 0123456789 > ?????????? > ?????????? 0123456789 > ?????????? > 01 23456789 nalt, Stylistic Set: (ss04, ss05) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Old Style Numbers: (onum, lnum) Superscript: (sups) °¹?²³,45?67?8???¹7 ?????????????????q??????????? Numerators: (numr & ordn) 01. 2 3,45(67)8+9=17 (abcdefghijklmnopqrs- tuvwxyz). Denominators: (dnom) 01. 2 3,45(67)8+9=17 (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz). Subscript: (subs & sinf) °0.²³,45?67?8?9?07 ??bcd?fg??j??????q?????w?yz ?. Dinamic Fractions: Numbers & lowercase (frac): 01 2 3456789/01 2 3456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Slashed Zero (zero) 0 > 0 Numerals & Ordinals { ABCJMKQRSW 0 &@$ % ‰ abcdefijklpqrstuwxyz Alternates (dlig) & (ss06) (Aa) > (Aa) [Aa] > [Aa] {Aa} > {Aa} o-e-a > O-E-A o–e–a > O–E–A o—e—a > O—E—A oa > OA o•e•a > O•E•A o‹e›a > O‹E›A o«e»a > O«E»A Contextual alternates (calt, case) ? Open Type Features • The Cheat Sheet HUMATOSmall Caps Oopa! ? HumatoCHARACTER SET • HUMATO SMAL L CAP S • 824 GLY PHS AABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ aabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz «00123456789» «??????????» The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog ™ ? © ? ® ?? ?? # $ ????^v›‹-| ?0¦? ?ß && $$ @@ . , : ; ’ ” ` # [{( )}] * !¡ ¿? ? ? /<-> ? © ????, - For information purposes only.CHARACTER SET • HUMATO SMAL L CAP S BROKEN • 824 GLY PHS AABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ aabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz «00123456789» «??????????» The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog ™ ? © ? ® ?? ?? " # ????^v›‹-| ?0¦? ?ß && $$ @@ . , : ; ’ ” ` # [{( )}] * !¡ ¿? ? ? /<-> ? © ????, - For information purposes only.AAaa BBb CCc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii JJj KKk Ll MMm Nn Oo Pp QQq RRr SSs Tt Uu Yy Zz Øø Vv WWw Xx Ææ Ææ && Œœ @@ Small Caps Alternates © ????, - For information purposes only.CHAR ACTER SET • HUMATO SHADO W • 8 4 1 GLYPHS AABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ aabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz «00123456789» «??????????» The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ™ ? © ?? ? ® ?? ??   ????^v›‹-| ?0¦? ?ß && $$ @@ . , : ; ’ ” ` # [{( )}] * !¡ ¿? ? ? /<-> ? © ????, - For information purposes only.CHAR ACTER SET • HUMATO OUTLINE • 8 4 1 GLYPHS AABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ aabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz «00123456789» «??????????» The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ™ ? © ?? ? ® ?? ??   ????^v›‹-| ?0¦? ?ß && $$ @@ . , : ; ’ ” ` # [{( )}] * !¡ ¿? ? ? /<-> ? © ????, - For information purposes only. Humato Familyfont download, Humato Family font.