Indonesia Script Graffiti
Indonesia Script font
Indonesia Script A bold, curvy, and playful, fully-connected monolined script.
Most uppercase letters have a fancy alternate, and the lowercase letters have a bunch selection of alternates for you to select, to suit your typographic best.
A companion display font is Dermawan Sans. Typically a titling font, it is tall enough for heading, and offcourse large size text are always best for titles.
Designed to communicate an elite sensibility, this font duo is equally built from the core principle of sophisticated typography. The all-caps titling font has a solid weightiness, delivered in a slightly assertive and vivid clarity.
And the bold and playful monoline scripts complete the aesthetic. This font duo lets you organize harmonious typography for posters, logotypes, or any multipart media.
Both fonts supports many languages. Includes numerals, symbols, and plenty alternative letters in the package.
For more details about all the alternative letters, please open the characters map inside the download package.
Inside the download package you will get:
1. Indonesia Script (.otf)
2. Indonesia Script Characters Map (.pdf)
3. HP Free Font EULA (.pdf)
Designed by Hendra Pratama 2020.
The fonts is licensed under donationware.
Its free for commercial use, but any donations are very appreciated.
All donations will be donated through: Feels free to contact me if you have any questions regarding licenses.
Email me at:

Font Name | Date | File Size |
Indonesia Script - Character Set.pdf | 2020-09-03 | 570 KB |
Indonesia Script.otf | 2020-09-03 | 73 KB |
HP_License.pdf | 2020-10-16 | 38 KB |
A BC DE F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z U P P e r c a s e l o w e r c a s e abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz Indonesia Script Indonesia Script® designed by Hendra Pratama ©2020. The font is provided under Donationware License. It is free for commercial project, but any donations are always very appreciated. Donation can be send to my Paypal account: INDONESIA DERMAWAN.ID https: // All donation will be donated through: Page 1 | Indonesia Script® V1 | Character Set 100% freen U M b e r s 0123456789 s y M b o l s & P U n c t U a t i o n !"#%&'()./ {|}~$ €¢£¥§<=>?¿¨ @´‰ « *+™©® ß µ¸» [,-:;\]^_ The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog P a n g r a M Page 2 | Indonesia Script® V1 | Character Sete x t e n d e d l a t i n ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆ ÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏ?Ñ ÒÓÔÕÖØ ÙÚÛÜY à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ñ ò ó ô õ ö ø ù ú û ü y ÿ AaAaCcCcDdDd EeEeLlLNnNnOo Œ œRrRrSsŞşŠš T UuUuŸZzZzZz Page 3 | Indonesia Script® V1 | Character Setl i g a t U r e s ? ? Ax Az ? ? ? ? Th ? or ox pp ? th tt ? ? ? U n d e r l i n e s w a s h U P P e r c a s e a lt e r n a t e s A ? ? ? ? ? 4 5 b a s i c s t y l i s t i c s w a s h a . s a l t a . s w s h a Page 4 | Indonesia Script® V1 | Character SetEarth ?arth Fast ?ilm ?lat Gold ?ospel ?lory Hustle ?ero ?ills Insignia ?nfamous U P P e r c a s e a lt e r n a t e s Charity Charity ?harity Page 5 | Indonesia Script® V1 | Character SetU P P e r c a s e a lt e r n a t e s Jakarta ?akarta Makasar ?akasar Makasar Norton ?orton Palestine ?alestine Richmond ?ichmond Supreme ?upreme Umbrella ?mbrella Page 6 | Indonesia Script® V1 | Character Set l o w e r c a s e a lt e r n a t e s a b c d e ? ? ? ? a ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? d ? ? ? ? a d Page 7 | Indonesia Script® V1 | Character Setf g h i j l o w e r c a s e a lt e r n a t e s ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? g g ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? h ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? h i g Page 8 | Indonesia Script® V1 | Character Setk l m n l o w e r c a s e a lt e r n a t e s ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? k l m n Page 9 | Indonesia Script® V1 | Character Set l o w e r c a s e a lt e r n a t e s o p q r s t ? ? ? ? ? p p p p ? q ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? s ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? r t Page 10 | Indonesia Script® V1 | Character Set l o w e r c a s e a lt e r n a t e s u v y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? v v v ? w w w y ? ? y ? ? y ? ? ? ? ? ? w u z y Page 11 | Indonesia Script® V1 | Character SetIndonesia Script Indonesia Script® designed by Hendra Pratama ©2020. Thank you for download and use this font. If you find this font is useful, please consider to donate. Donation can be send to my Paypal account: INDONESIA DERMAWAN.ID https: // All donation will be donated through: you can use this character set document as glyphs palette* *opentype savvy program required Page 12 | Indonesia Script® V1 | Character SetHP TYPEWORK FREE FONT END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT HPTW EULA ver. 2.1 October 2020 ATTENTION ! By downloading, installing, copying or using HP Typework Free Font product, you agree to the terms, stated within this legal agreement: GENERAL PROVISIONS: This is HP Typework Free Font End User License Agreement (HPTW EULA) between you as an end user (“Licensee”) and HP Typework (“Licensor”). Fonts / Free fonts refers to the set of files released by the HP Typework under this license and clearly marked as such. This may include source files, build scripts and documentation. Original work refers to the collection of Font Software components as distributed by HP Typework. Derivative work refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting, or substituting — in part or in whole — any of the components of the Original work, by changing formats or by porting the Font to a new environment. You are welcome to give to the Licensor credit in your work and to send examples of the free font product in use to the following addres: ALLOWED USES: You may use the free fonts to create objects, such as logos and other elements of a brand identity business and greeting cards, postcards, postage stamps and other stationery materials; books, magazines, newspapers, newsprint, and other printed and editorial materials; envelopes and package design; wallpaper prints; infographics; ; any vector graphics , and any office supplies. You may use the free fonts to create images on any surface, such as paper, computer screens, web pages, photographs and visuals, printed material; T-shirts and textile and other surfaces where the image has a fixed size. You may use the free fonts to create vector files or other scalable drawings (AI, EPS, PDF etc.), as well as static images (JPEG, TIFF, PNG etc.), even if these images are used on the web or in a mobile app. You may use the free fonts to create Web Apps, Mobile Apps, Windows Apps, Linux Apps, OS X Apps, Android Apps, etc. and may have no limitation to distribute your apps. You may use the free fonts as web-fonts with @font-face declaration to create web sites, web templates, etc. You may use the free fonts to create any files for ePub, such as PDF, WP templates, e-books, website templates, mobile apps, etc. for any kind of devices including Kindles, iPads, or other eReaders amids others. ! page 1/2HENDRA PRATAMA HP TYPEWORK FREE FONT END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT HPTW EULA ver. 2.1 October 2020 NUMBER OF USERS OR PAGE VIEWS: You are allowed to install the free fonts on unlimited devices (computers, phones, tablets). You are allowed to upload and use the free fonts on web sites/templates with unlimited pageviews. EMBEDDING: You may embed the free fonts into any document you send to third parties. Such documents may be viewed, printed and edited by the recipients. You may embed the free fonts into software or hardware products in which the fonts will be used by the purchasers of such products (PDF’s, WP templates, e-books, Website templates, Mobile Apps, etc.). You may embed the free fonts into a web page with a @font-face declaration. You are able to generate web-font packages from the font files in a third party program or generator. MODIFICATIONS: You may import characters from the font as graphical objects into a drawing program (Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, etc.) and modify such graphical objects. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the free fonts itself without HP Typework Type Foundry’s prior written consent. That means to edit/modify the font files itself in font editors/software/programs like FontLab Studio, Fontographer, Font Creator, TypeTool, BitFonter, Glyphs, FontStruct, RoboFont, etc. You may not resell or redistribute the free fonts itself or any derivative works based on the free fonts itself without HP Typework Type Foundry’s prior written consent. Keep in mind that we may not answer to e-mails concerning additional information about the licenses and the rights to usage of the free fonts! We also have experience creating corporate and custom fonts. For more information or inquiries, feel free to send your questions to the following email address: page 2/2 Indonesia Scriptfont download, Indonesia Script font.