
Jungle Boy - .TTF

Handwriting 2 font files
12031 Downloads Download

Jungle Boy Handwriting

Jungle Boy font

Jungle Boy fontJungle Boy font bigJungle Boy font textJungle Boy font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
Jungle Boy.ttf 2019-01-21 40 KB
Jungle Boy Italic.ttf 2019-01-21 38 KB

Font Details

To make this font display correctly -- that is, with the beginnings and ends of each word closed -- you must begin each word with a capital letter and end each word with the symbol ^. (There are two irregularities: W & V. If a word contains a W, you must end the preceding letter with a ^. If a word contains a V, you must end the preceding letter with a ^ and capitalize the letter following the V.)

Amazingly^ Fe^w^ Discotheques^ Pro^vIde^ Jukeboxes^.

font created by teagan white

Jungle Boyfont download, Jungle Boy font.