
KHTitle - otf

Gothic 8 font files
1095 Downloads Download

KHTitle Gothic

KHTitle font

This font is part of Kingdom Hearts Re:Collection; a free archive of art assets and custom fonts created by Televo:

In comparison to similar fonts found online, the characters in Re:Collection have been accurately recreated directly from the games where possible and have vastly improved spacing/kerning (especially when setting spacing to metric).

Numerous languages are supported including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Polish, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, Portuguese, Danish, Indonesian and many more latin-based languages. Note that while KHScala contains all known symbols, the font will contain translation inaccuracies becuase the Scalan language has not been fully deciphered.

If you decide to use these fonts publicly, giving credit is much appreciated though not necessary. Please feel free to message me anytime on Discord at Televo#9400 as I love to see how my efforts here have helped you create something awesome.

If you appreciate what I do with all your heart, consider supporting me on KoFi: Of those few who have already done so, I am tremendously thankful, regardeless of the amount.

KHMenu - Start Menu Font
KHGummi - Gummiship Font
KHTitle - Title Logo Font
KHScala - Scala ad Caelum Font
KHData - Datascape Font

Not Included (Other KH Fonts):
DFPW5_EUR - Start Menu Font
KH2_ALL_MENU_I - Gummiship Font
Kingdom Hearts Font - Title Logo Font
Comic Hearts - Cutscene Subtitle Font   

KHTitleKHTitle fontKHTitle font bigKHTitle font textKHTitle font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
KHData.otf 2022-08-24 34 KB
KHData.png 2022-08-25 571 KB
KHGummi.otf 2022-08-24 30 KB
KHGummi.png 2022-08-25 627 KB
KHMenu.otf 2022-08-24 27 KB
KHMenu.png 2022-08-25 534 KB
KHMenu-Bold.otf 2022-08-24 28 KB
KHMenu-BoldItalic.otf 2022-08-24 27 KB
KHMenu-Italic.otf 2022-08-24 27 KB
KHScala.otf 2022-08-24 18 KB
KHScala.png 2022-08-25 705 KB
KHTitle.otf 2022-08-26 40 KB
KHTitle.png 2022-08-25 788 KB
readme.txt 2022-08-27 1 KB

Font Details

This font is part of Kingdom Hearts Re:Collection; a free archive of art assets and custom fonts created by Televo:
In comparison to similar fonts found online, the characters in Re:Collection have been accurately recreated directly from the games where possible and have vastly improved spacing/kerning (especially when setting spacing to metric).
Numerous languages are supported including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Polish, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, Portuguese, Danish, Indonesian and many more latin-based languages. Note that while KHScala contains all known symbols, the font will contain translation inaccuracies becuase the Scalan language has not been fully deciphered.
If you decide to use these fonts publicly, giving credit is much appreciated though not necessary. Please feel free to message me anytime on Discord at Televo#9400 as I love to see how my efforts here have helped you create something awesome.
If you appreciate what I do with all your heart, consider supporting me on KoFi: Of those few who have already done so, I am tremendously thankful, regardeless of the amount.
Included: KHMenu - Start Menu Font KHGummi - Gummiship Font KHTitle - Title Logo Font KHScala - Scala ad Caelum Font KHData - Datascape Font
Not Included (Other KH Fonts): DFPW5_EUR - Start Menu Font KH2_ALL_MENU_I - Gummiship Font Kingdom Hearts Font - Title Logo Font Comic Hearts - Cutscene Subtitle Font DFSOGE5 - Command Menu Font Floridian Script - Birth by Sleep Font Serpentine - Final Mix Font Impressum - Offical Website Font

KHTitlefont download, KHTitle font.