
Left Hand Kids - .TTF

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Left Hand Kids School

Lefthandkids (null) font

Lefthandkids (null) fontLefthandkids (null) font bigLefthandkids (null) font textLefthandkids (null) font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
Lefthandkids_demo.ttf 2019-02-26 37 KB

Font Details

V?tkova p?sanka

(V?tek's Writing Excercise Book)

by V?t ?ond?k

En Cz Sk Pl Fr De

Category: handwriting

[ English License ]

Free for personal or non-commercial use.
In case you want to use the font for a commercial project please contact me to buy a license.

The public version of the font intentionally does not include number 0.
The full version is available only to licensed users.

If you think something in this font doesn't feel right please contact me.

[English description]

My original plan was to create an exact replica of handwriting
that was taught in Czech elementary schools in 1980s,
but when I found the original writing exercise books I did not like many details or proportions
so in the end I adjusted the letters to my likings and taste.

Unfortunately some combination of letters in TTF format could not be connected as elegantly
as I had intended so I created an OTF version (since 0.45) which compensates the most obvious flaws.
The use of alternative glyphs can be controlled by OpenType features "calt", "salt" and "fina".

[ ?esk? licence ]

Zdarma pro osobn? a nekomer?n? u?it?.
V p??pad?, ?e chcete font pou??t pro komer?n? ??ely, je nutn? m? kontaktovat a koupit si licenci.

Ve?ejn? verze fontu z?m?rn? neobsahuje ??slici 0.
Pln? verze je dostupn? pouze licencovan?m u?ivatel?m.

Pokud ve fontu objev?te n?co, co by bylo vhodn? opravit nebo doladit, tak m? pros?m kontaktujte.

[?esk? popis]

M?m p?vodn?m z?m?rem bylo ud?lat p?esnou repliku psac?ho p?sma,
kter? se vyu?ovalo na ?esk?ch z?kladn?ch ?kol?ch v osmdes?t?ch letech,
ale kdy? jsem na?el p?vodn? p?sanky, tak se mi mnoh? detaily a proporce nel?bily,
a tak jsem nakonec p?smena p?izp?sobil sv?m zvyklostem a vkusu.

Ve form?tu TTF bohu?el n?kter? kombinace p?smen nenavazuj? tak elegantn?, jak bych si p?edstavoval,
a tak vznikla OTF verze (0.45 a v??e), kter? by m?la nejv?razn?j?? nedostatky kompenzovat.
Pou??v?n? alternativn?ch znak? je mo?n? ovl?dat pomoc? OpenType parametr? "calt", "salt" a "fina".



0.66 2017-10-23
+ currency

0.65 2017-10-19
+ 1234superior fractions ij IJ Eng eng
+ fractions feature (1/4 1/2 3/4)
* merge and cleanup (s* t* u* n* etc.)
* margins: (C) (R)

0.64 2017-10-13
+ germandbls.end

0.63 2017-10-06
+ StylisticAlternates (salt): p

0.62 2017-10-03
* tweaked: breve abreve
* modified OpenType script (groups Letter/LetterLower)
* section

0.61 2017-10-02
* modified OpenType script (groups Letter/LetterLower)

0.60 2017-10-01
+ Tcaron.alt s*.init* t*.init* u*.init* ncaron*.init*
* script: group RequireLongCaps -t -tcaron

0.59 2017-09-26
* panose info
+ m.init* n.init*
* fixed Letter membership: x.init r*.init
* tweaked margins: h.long k.long l.long m.long

0.58 2017-02-10
* updated OpenType script (group->class)
* fixed Letter membership: tcaron

0.57 2016-04-18
+ Eth.alt/long Dcroat.alt/long icirc.long idieresis.long
* fixed Letter membership: lacute lcaron

0.56 2016-04-15
+ Oacute.alt/long Odieresis.alt/long
* merge and clean up
* margin: /
+ kerning: /+bfhkl
* minor tweaks: V W lacute u.long

0.55 2016-04-14
* modified margin: !

0.54 2015-09-29
+ iacute.long igrave.long
+ Cacute.long Scirc.alt/long Scedilla.alt/long

0.53 2015-09-17
+ y+diacritic.long r+diacritic.init ccedilla.long
+ modified: y +20 F.long +30 P.long +30
+ kerning: numbers+e
* changed script finals (s, p)

0.51 2015-09-16
+ iopu.long Sacute.alt Sacute.long
* modified: S.alt S.long +20
* changed script for x.init

0.50 2015-06-29
+ hjfktwz.long cz+diacritic.long H.long
+ x.init
* H - fixed height, reconstructed

0.49 2015-06-23
+ AEKMN.long dsnv.long
+ s+diacritic.long

0.48 2015-06-22
* l - longer basic tail
+ clms.long
* modified context replacement script
* fixed U with diacritic marks

0.47 2015-06-19
* B.alt
+ FIOPTVW.long CCcaron.long
* 2 - narrow

0.46 2015-06-18
+ BDFIOPSTVW.alt Scaron.alt
+ BS.long Scaron.long
+ ps.end
* modified position: dcaron tcaron lcaron Oobreve
* Lcaron - really caron

0.45 2015-06-17
* experimental .otf version

0.44 2015-06-12
* merge and clean up
* Eth - fixed margins
* c - tweaked line width
* s - tweaked tail

0.43 2015-06-12
* 7 - reconstructed
* ?@ - modified
* :;-=+ bullet - tweaked vertical position
+ AaOo-dotaccent

0.42 2015-06-09
* 4 - reconstructed
* Dcaron, Hcirc - fixed margins
* G S - fixed width
* R g - fixed tail
* greenk - reconstructed
* :;-n - tweaked

0.41 2015-06-08
* 35 - reconstructed
* rz - tweaked
* f - new bottom loop
* aogonek - fixed margin

0.40 2015-06-05
* 12 FTUY r - reconstructed
* l - longer tail
* E - longger tail
+ kerning: caps+e caps+x numbers+e
+ % permille logicalnot (R) {} germandbls
+ commabelow+...
* fixed margins: CP()[]!

0.39 2015-06-04
+ $ & Llslash
* 25689 - a new take
* K - right curl
* R - tail
* SX - reconstructed
* vwy - +20 wider, reconstructed
* VW - different tail
* GJYgjy - bottom loop
* z - narrowed, reconstructed
* H - tweaked loops
* O - margin
* U - narrowed

0.38 2014-12-19
* o - back to old tail
* ACEGMNX - left margin +100
* f - new upper loop
* H - reconstructed
* O - new tail
* M - similar to N
* 069 - reconstructed
+ approx No ordfem ordmas multiply

0.37 2014-12-18
* C - thinner lines
* D - new loop
* L - smaller loop
* R - based on P
* Z - reconstructed
* pound - based on L
+<> cent # \
* minor tweaks: / z
* fixed margins: L+ O+ Z+

0.36 2014-12-17
* B P A O Q - thinner lines

0.35 2014-12-08
* d t - slightly skewed to the right
* 0 A C G O Q - less tilted
* a c d g o p q - less tilted
* k - loop
* z - loop

0.34+ 2014-12-03
* increased left margin of caps
* b h l - new loop
* d - exact shape
* n - sharper
* h m n - wider by 20 points
* g j - shorter tail

0.34 2014-09-08
+ */ Oslash

0.33 2014-05-29
+ (C)
* 5679 ?+- pound OU ce?

0.32 2014-04-11
* F 9

0.31 2014-03-27
* CG gijvwy -
+ macron+... paragraph

0.30 2014-03-26
* UVW !.|

0.29 2014-03-25
+ breve+...

0.28 2014-03-24
* AFVT abdgoprst...

0.26 2014-03-22
* acdopq
+ Q

0.25 2014-03-21
+ X tilde+... cedilla+... ogonek+... pound @
+ temporary: 345679
* CGSV emnou tcaron

0.24 2014-03-20
* JVN fgjlorx
+ 2 E

0.23 2014-03-19
* GLMNV ao
+ UV circumflex+... guilemots Euro

0.22 2014-03-18
* MN eoys dotlessi dotlessj
+ Ddcaron Ttcaron breve+... |

0.21 2014-03-17

0.20 2014-03-17
* ABCZ jl caron
+ 01 ()!

0.19 2014-03-16
+ CR ??
* BGPH mno

0.15 2014-03-08
+ complete small letters

0.12 2014-03-05
+ imported sketch: prstuxq


Left Hand Kidsfont download, Left Hand Kids font.