
Lovina October Five - .TTF

Calligraphy 2 font files
12162 Downloads Download

Lovina October Five Calligraphy

Lovina October Five 

Font NameDateFile Size
Lovina Octover Five (Italic) Font by Situjuh (7NTypes).otf 2018-10-05 328 KB
Lovina Octover Five (Regular) Font by Situjuh (7NTypes).otf 2018-10-05 202 KB
lovina_october_five.png 2019-01-15 156 KB

Font Details

__ ______ __ __ __ ___
(_ | _/ _/| |_ |__)|__)||\ | |
__)|/__/__|__|__| | \ || \| |

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Hi! Thank you for downloading our font! This font is 100% FREE for personal and commercial use. If you use the font for a project and you'd like us to see it, send it over to us or upload it on a social media site and tag it with #spfonts. Enjoy!

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Lovina October Fivefont download, Lovina October Five font.