
Mallory Maloney's Handwriting - .TTF

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Mallory Maloney's Handwriting Handwriting

Mallory Maloney's Handwriting font

Mallory MaloneyMallory MaloneyMallory MaloneyMallory Maloney
Font NameDateFile Size
mallorymaloneyshandwriting.ttf 2009-12-06 27 KB
Read Me.txt 2009-12-09 844 B

Font Details

This Original Font you just downloaded was made by me, Mallory Maloney of, with the help of ^^ And since I made it, I also get to make a bunch of rules, as well! ^_^ Hurrah!

... o_o;

I know, I know. Rules suck. x_x But please abide by the following if you use this Original Font, okay? ^^; Thank you!

--- You must link back to if you use this Original Font.

--- No pretending you made the Original Font.

--- Do not redistribute the Original Font. ((For example, don't place it up for download on your 'Free Fonts' page.))

--- If you use this Original Font, drop me a line so I can see it in action! My eMail address is

Thanks for downloading from ^_^V And once again, please follow the rules!

Mallory Maloney's Handwriting font download, Mallory Maloney's Handwriting font.