
Morado - .TTF

Handwriting 4 font files
12124 Downloads Download

Morado Handwriting

Morado Nib font

Morado Nib fontMorado Nib font bigMorado Nib font textMorado Nib font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
morado felt.ttf 2009-05-19 68 KB
morado marker.ttf 2009-05-19 64 KB
morado nib.ttf 2009-05-19 64 KB
morado sharp.ttf 2009-05-19 60 KB

Font Details

This font is licenced under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. That means it is free to download and distribute, royalty free, and you are free to use it in personal and commercial works. If you use it, a link to my website would be appreciated.

Moradofont download, Morado font.