
Peasone - otf

2116 Downloads Download

Peasone Rounded

Peasone font

Peasone v1.0; 050221

Peasone is free for personal, educational, non-profit, or charitable use.
For commercial use, please consider donating to help me create a fully functional font.
Every donation is greatly appreciated.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact me on Discord @ froastroast#1515

Thanks for being supportive,

PeasonePeasone fontPeasone font bigPeasone font textPeasone font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
Peasone.otf 2021-02-05 20 KB
readme.txt 2021-02-05 495 B

Font Details

Peasone v1.0; 050221
This font is part of FanProject, stay tune for more info...
Peasone is free for personal, educational, non-profit, or charitable use. For commercial use, please consider donating to help me create a fully functional font. Every donation is greatly appreciated.
If you require any further information, feel free to contact me on Discord at Froastroast#1515
Thanks for being supportive, Moonotonous

Peasonefont download, Peasone font.