
Pfeffer Simpelgotisch - .TTF

Handwriting 3 font files
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Pfeffer Simpelgotisch Handwriting

 Pfeffer Simpelgotisch Font




Pfeffer Simpelgotisch font

pfeffer-simpelgotisch fontpfeffer-simpelgotisch font bigpfeffer-simpelgotisch font textpfeffer-simpelgotisch font 1

Pfeffer Simpelgotisch font zip file contents

Font NameDateFile Size
PfefferSimpelgotisch fett.otf 2013-02-07 146 KB
PfefferSimpelgotisch halbfett.otf 2013-02-07 145 KB
PfefferSimpelgotisch normal.otf 2013-02-07 145 KB
PfefferSimpelgotisch-readme.txt 2015-06-26 976 B 2015-06-26 41 KB

Font Details

PFEFFER SIMPELGOTISCH is a particularly simple variant of the textura?—?that blackletter scripture which, starting from the 11th century with the advent of the Gothic style, had evolved from the Carolingian minuscule via the Gothic minuscule. The prevalent typeface of an age roughly re?ects the era’s architecture: The Carolingian minuscule’s roundings correlate to the Romanesque round arches, while the textura’s letters are as peaked and as upright as Gothic architecture. Sans-serif on the contrary breathes the spirit of our concrete age, and antiqua is apparently to stand for anything in between, from Renaissance to Classicism. Following this ?nding, the pointed arch is the essential stylistic feature of Pfeffer Simpelgotisch, which for the rest is quite unornamental.

PFEFFER SIMPELGOTISCH may be used freely for non commercial purposes. For commercial use, please contact me.

Robert Pfeffer

Pfeffer Simpelgotischfont download, Pfeffer Simpelgotisch font.