
Pixel Nonsens - .TTF

15182 Downloads Download

Pixel Nonsens Various

PixelNonsens font

PixelNonsens fontPixelNonsens font bigPixelNonsens font textPixelNonsens font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
pixel_read.txt 2001-12-11 1 KB
PixelNonsens.ttf 2001-12-11 73 KB

Font Details

Hate: Screenfonts!

Because they look fine on Flash sites. But they are so small, that I
can't read the texts. In Germany we call that: Augenpulver! (=dust for the eyes).
On Flash sites I have to read 5 or 6 pt texts, exactly designed for computer
screens. Exactly? What an illusion! It's all bull shit, too small. One of the
many designers' errors. Like a spoon in design of a fork.
Motherfuckers: Unreadable font sizes are nothing but a prove that you are
unable to communicate with your visitors. Believe it or not.
As soon as you start using screenfonts in bigger sizes I will stop hating them.
So long - read those minimized Flash fonts yourself. (We call that: self-satisfaction.)

The font here was a "screenfont". Throw it away or use it, but only in bigger sizes.
Thank you (in the name of those eye-sick readers from all over the world).

What's your opinion about small screenfonts? (And do you need glasses?)

Wish you readable web texts always, Manfred.

? Manfred Klein, all rights reserved, for private use only; Dec-10-2001.

Pixel Nonsensfont download, Pixel Nonsens font.