
Plastic Bag Font - .TTF

17364 Downloads Download

Plastic Bag Font

Plastic Bag font

Plastic Bag fontPlastic Bag font bigPlastic Bag font textPlastic Bag font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
plastic bag.ttf 2012-07-20 55 KB
typodermic-eula-02-2014.pdf 2014-02-19 69 KB
read-this.html 2014-02-25 12 KB

Font Details

Please read the attached Readme_First Word or Acrobat PDF document.

Font Family Name: Vandiana Platin Lite
Designer: Ersen Akkaya
Version: V5 Lite edition (Non-small capitals, full character set),
License: Donationware, free for personal/non commercial use.

Upgrade options: Donators will automatically receive a license.
- Commercial use requires licensing, ?24,- for Vandiana Platin Medium version (All caps). Contact:

- Vandian Platin Unlimited font pack: Vandiana Platin Medium, Vandiana Platin Condensed, Vandiana Platin Extra Condensed, Vandiana Platin Ultra Condensed, Vandiana Platin Extended, Vandiana Platin Extra Extended, Vandiana Platin Ultra Extended, Vandiana Platin Bold, Vandiana Platin Extra Bold, Vandiana Platin ultra Bold, Vandiana Platin Italic, Vandiana Platin Extra Italic, Vandiana Platin Ultra Italic, Vandiana Platin Outlined, Vandiana Platin 3D, Vandiana Platin Shadow, Vandiana Platin Gradient.

Supported Codepages: 1252 Latin 1, 1250 Latin 2:Eastern Europe, 1254 Turkish, 1257 Windows Baltic


Company: Ermedia
Adress: 1e Wormenseweg 119
Postalcode: 7331 DD Apeldoorn
Country: The Netherlands / Holland
Telephone: +31620080070
Fax: +31555344209

Bank account: 46.72.500.06
ABN AMRO Bank in Apeldoorn (The Netherlands)

Paypal donation account:

You agree to the following user licensing terms:
IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: This end user License Agreement (hereinafter, "EULA," "License," "Agreement" or "License Agreement") is a legal agreement between you and MENTALTYPE Fonts for the product that accompanies this Agreement, and is also applicable to any media, printed materials, electronic documentation, updates add-ons, web services and any other material that may be associated with the product now or in the future. By downloading the Font or opening the package, installing, copying, accessing or otherwise using the Font, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not purchase this License, download, install, access or use the Font. If you have purchased a License to use the Font in a sealed retail package and do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, return it unopened to the place of purchase for a full refund.
1. Grant of License. Upon payment in full, MENTALTYPE Fonts grants you a non-exclusive, terminable License to use the Font ("Font[s]") and any accompanying documentation in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The Basic License allows you to install the Font on not more than five (5) computers or CPUs at one geographic location. Use of the Font on more CPUs than is allowed by the applicable license or at more than one location, requires the purchase of a License upgrade. If you purchase a License to use the Font on more than five (5) CPUs, you may install the Font on the number of CPUs identified in the Order Receipt which is returned to you by email. If at any time your use of the Font exceeds that permitted in the applicable License, you agree to immediately notify MENTALTYPE Fonts and purchase the appropriate License upgrade.
2. One Back-up. You are permitted to make one (1) back-up copy of the Font for archival purposes only. Unauthorized sharing, lending, renting, sale, or other unauthorized use or misuse of the original Font and/or the back-up copy is a material breach of this Agreement and will result in immediate Termination of this License. You are not permitted to alter the Font in any manner whatsoever. You are not permitted, by way of example not limitation, to decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, alter or change the software or any associated embedding bits. You are not permitted to reduce the Font to human readable form or translate the Font into other formats. Any use not expressly permitted herein will result in the Termination of this License without notice. You further agree that any use not permitted herein constitutes trademark and copyright infringement causing monetary damage to MENTALTYPE Fonts.
3. Exclusive Ownership. MENTALTYPE Fonts and its licensors retain all right and title to their respective software, trademarks, copyrights and the designs comprising the Font licensed under this Agreement. You agree not to copy the Font or create derivative works based upon the Font and/or the design of the Font embodied in the Font.
4. Limited Distribution. You are permitted to make a temporary copy of the Font for use by a commercial printer or service bureau solely for use in the production of your own materials. Copying and distribution to commercial printers or service bureaus is limited to those who clearly state that they are duly licensed to use the Font. You are further permitted to include a temporary copy the Font with a document solely for the purposes of your facilitating your personal printing and/or viewing of the document. Except as may be permitted herein, you are not permitted to distribute the Font to third parties on an intranet, on the Internet or by any other means.
5. Use in Other Media Limited. You are not permitted to incorporate or otherwise use the Font in any other media distributed to third parties. The publication and/or distribution of documents and/or other software which contains, includes or otherwise incorporates the Font, by way of example not limitation, on the Internet, CD-ROM or DVD requires the purchase a Special License.
6. PDF and Other Forms of Embedding Restricted. You are permitted to embed the Font in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) documents, solely for the purposes of non-commercial distribution. Any such distribution shall be limited to a number of copies equivalent to the number of CPUs for which you have licensed the Font (for example, if you have purchased a Basic License, you may distribute a PDF containing the subset-embedded Font to not more than five (5) computers at your one geographical location). You hereby agree that the Font shall be SUBSET when embedded and the PDF document shall be set as NON-EDITABLE. Embedding of Font in PDFs to be distributed to more than the number of CPUs for which you have licensed the Font or for a product to be distributed to third parties (for example, distribution of a PDF on the Internet or Web, or for distribution as part of a commercial product such as an electronic book or use with a mobile device) requires the purchase of a special Embedding License (contact MENTALTYPE Fonts for more information). Embedding the Font in web pages is expressly prohibited. You are not permitted to use the Font in connection with embedded font objects or by any other means for the purposes of displaying the Fonts on the Internet or on wireless web browsers. If you wish to use the Font for such purposes, you must purchase a License upgrade. If you are not sure how to subset and create non-editable PDFs, contact Adobe or MENTALTYPE Fonts. EMBEDDING THE FONT IN WEB PAGES, FAILURE TO PROTECT FROM UNAUTHORIZED EMBEDDING, FAILURE TO SUBSET, FAILURE TO SET A PDF AS NON-EDITABLE WHEN EMBEDDING, AND DISTRIBUTION OF A PDF CONTAINING EMBEDDED FONT TO MORE THAN THE AUTHORIZED NUMBER OF CPUs IS A MATERIAL BREACH OF THIS LICENSE and will result in the Termination of this License without notice. You further agree that distribution of unauthorized embedded Font and/or embedded Font and without subsetting and/or as editable PDFs constitutes trademark and copyright infringement causing monetary damage to MENTALTYPE Fonts.
7. Trademarks. You agree to identify the Font by trademark and the owner of the trademark in any design credits. All use of the trademark associated with the Font inures solely to the benefit of the trademark owner. No ownership right is granted by this License Agreement. MENTALTYPE Fonts reserves all rights not expressly granted herein.
8. Transfer of License. You are permitted to transfer this License to use the Font one (1) time only and only to another end user. Under no circumstances are you permitted to purchase a License to use the Font for resale purposes. Upon transfer of this License, you agree that (i) You will transfer the original Font together with all documentation, (ii) Any such transfer is not by consignment or other indirect means, (iii) The new Licensee reads, understands and agrees with the terms of this License, and (iv) You will destroy all other copies on the Font and any documentation remaining in your possession. Upon transfer of the Font, you are not permitted to retain copies for yourself, lend or otherwise provide copies of the Font to commercial printers or service bureaus.
9. Warranties. MENTALTYPE Fonts will, at its sole discretion, either replace the Font or refund the Licensing fee in the event the Font does not perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation provided that any such claim is submitted within thirty (30) days of purchase of this License. To submit a claim, you must return the Font to MENTALTYPE Fonts together with a copy of your sales receipt. You expressly acknowledge and agree that use of the Font is at your sole risk. The Font and related documentation is provided "AS IS" and, except as noted herein, is without warranty of any kind and MENTALTYPE Fonts and its affiliated companies (together, "MENTALTYPE Fonts") hereby EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. MENTALTYPE DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE FONT WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT THE FONT IS WITHOUT DEFECTS. THE FONT IS NOT FAULT TOLERANT AND IS NOT INTENDED AND WAS NOT DESIGNED OR MANUFACTURED FOR USE IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE FAIL-SAFE OPERATION MAY BE REQUIRED. THE FONT MAY NOT BE USED IN MANUFACTURING, NAVIGATION, CONTROL EQUIPMENT OR IN ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE THE USE OR FAILURE OF THE FONT COULD LEAD TO DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL MENTALTYPE FONTS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, SAVINGS OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF THE FONT EVEN IF NOTIFIED IN ADVANCE OF SUCH POSSIBILITY. MENTALTYPE Fonts' liability to you shall in no event exceed the refunding of the cost of the Font or replacement of the Font at MENTALTYPE Fonts' sole discretion.
10. Other Law. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or special damages, implied warranties or implied warranties. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION CREATED BY LAW IS ONLY EFFECTIVE FOR THE THIRTY (30) DAY WARRANTY PERIOD. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND AFTER THE THIRTY (30) DAY WARRANTY PERIOD. The exclusions noted above may not apply to you. Otherwise, and to the extent permissible by law, you agree that all implied warranties are not effective for more than thirty (30) days.
11. Termination. This License Agreement is effective as of the Date of full payment for the License. This License Agreement may be terminated by you at any time by destroying the Font together with any printed material and any copies of the Font. This License Agreement may be terminated without notice if you breach and/or fail to comply with any term contained herein. In the event you have not paid for this License or any part or upgrade thereof, you hereby agree to allow any attorney of any court of the United States or elsewhere to appear for you, with or without declaration filed, confess judgment against you in favor of MENTALTYPE Fonts for any unpaid amount. In the event you become insolvent, make a general assignment for the benefit of your creditors, seek the protection of the bankruptcy laws, or if bankruptcy proceedings are instituted against you this license shall immediately terminate. You further agree to the waiver or lifting of any stay or other protection provided by applicable Bankruptcy law granting MENTALTYPE Fonts the right to enforce any or all of its rights under this License Agreement.
12. Governing Law and Arbitration. You agree to settle all disputes, controversies, or claims relating to or arising from this Agreement in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules.
13. Compliance with Law and Export Restrictions. You agree be responsible for compliance with all laws, foreign and domestics.
14. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect, and the invalid provision shall be replaced by MENTALTYPE Fonts with a provision that most closely effects the intent of the invalid provision.
15. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all previous agreements, promises, representations and negotiations between the parties.
16. Headings. The captions of the sections of this License Agreement are for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construction of any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement. ? ?

Plastic Bag Fontfont download, Plastic Bag Font font.