
PsyType - .TTF

12096 Downloads Download

PsyType Gothic

PsyType font

PsyType fontPsyType font bigPsyType font textPsyType font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
PsyType.ttf 2004-01-09 15 KB
PsyType.txt 2004-02-08 542 B

Font Details

__ __
/_/ /
/sy /ype version 1.0

PsyType is a TrueType font based on the Psygnosis logo done by Roger Dean. Consult your computer manual or the internet on how to install it on your system.

It is free for private and commercial use, although I would be careful with the latter because of the copyright.

(c) for the letters F, J, M, Q, R, U, V and the . , ; : ! ? - " by Kodoichi.
(c) for the rest by Psygnosis, Psyclapse, Roger Dean, some demosceners.


PsyTypefont download, PsyType font.