
Quarca - .OTF

Lcd - Modern 36 font files
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Quarca Lcd - Modern

Quarca Cond Book Italic font

Quarca Cond Book Italic fontQuarca Cond Book Italic font bigQuarca Cond Book Italic font textQuarca Cond Book Italic font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
QuarcaCondBold.otf 2013-06-24 162 KB
QuarcaCondBoldItalic.otf 2013-06-24 167 KB
QuarcaCondBook.otf 2013-06-24 160 KB
QuarcaCondBookItalic.otf 2013-06-24 164 KB
QuarcaCondLight.otf 2013-06-24 160 KB
QuarcaCondLightItalic.otf 2013-06-24 164 KB
QuarcaCondMedium.otf 2013-06-24 164 KB
QuarcaCondMediumItalic.otf 2013-06-24 166 KB
QuarcaCondRegular.otf 2013-06-24 161 KB
QuarcaCondRegularItalic.otf 2013-06-24 164 KB
QuarcaCondThin.otf 2013-06-24 163 KB
QuarcaCondThinItalic.otf 2013-06-24 167 KB
QuarcaExtBold.otf 2013-06-24 165 KB
QuarcaExtBoldItalic.otf 2013-06-24 170 KB
QuarcaExtBook.otf 2013-06-24 163 KB
QuarcaExtBookItalic.otf 2013-06-24 167 KB
QuarcaExtLight.otf 2013-06-24 165 KB
QuarcaExtLightItalic.otf 2013-06-24 168 KB
QuarcaExtMedium.otf 2013-06-24 163 KB
QuarcaExtMediumItalic.otf 2013-06-24 168 KB
QuarcaExtRegular.otf 2013-06-24 163 KB
QuarcaExtRegularItalic.otf 2013-06-24 166 KB
QuarcaExtThin.otf 2013-06-24 165 KB
QuarcaExtThinItalic.otf 2013-06-24 168 KB
QuarcaNormBold.otf 2013-06-24 164 KB
QuarcaNormBoldItalic.otf 2013-06-24 168 KB
QuarcaNormBook.otf 2013-06-24 163 KB
QuarcaNormBookItalic.otf 2013-06-24 166 KB
QuarcaNormLight.otf 2013-06-24 163 KB
QuarcaNormLightItalic.otf 2013-06-24 166 KB
QuarcaNormMedium.otf 2013-06-24 165 KB
QuarcaNormMediumItalic.otf 2013-06-24 166 KB
QuarcaNormRegular.otf 2013-06-24 162 KB
QuarcaNormRegularItalic.otf 2013-06-24 166 KB
QuarcaNormThin.otf 2013-06-24 162 KB
QuarcaNormThinItalic.otf 2013-06-24 166 KB

Font Details

Federal Escort Version 1.0 Truetype Font for Windows

2013 Iconian Fonts - Daniel Zadorozny

This font comes with the following 22 versions: Regular, Italic, Semi-Italic, Condensed, Condensed Italic, Expanded, Expanded Italic, 3D, 3D Italic, Outline, Outline Italic, Scanlines, Scanlines Italic, Halftone, Halftone Italic, Laser, Laser Italic, Bullet, Bullet Italic, Chrome, Chrome Italic and Leftalic.

This font may be freely distributed and is free for all non-commercial uses. Use of the fonts are at your own risk.

For commercial use of the font please visit for additional information.

This font is e-mailware; that is, if you like it, please e-mail the author at:

Quarca font download, Quarca font.