
Quashar - .TTF

12139 Downloads Download

Quashar Eroded


Anmerkung des Autors

Hinweis: Diese Demo-Schriftart ist nur für den persönlichen Gebrauch! Aber jede Spende wird sehr geschätzt. Paypal Konto für die Spende:

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Vielen Dank.

Font NameDateFile Size
QuasharDemo.ttf 2018-10-06 349 KB

Font Details

This font is (C) 2017 Nate Piekos. All Rights Reserved.
Created for Blambot Fonts

No Blambot font may be embedded, redistributed, or used as a web font without an additional license fee. Email for details (See below).

*Anyone may use Blambot free fonts for non-profit projects.

*If you are a comic book self-publisher/small press publisher you may use Blambot free fonts in your print or web comic without paying a license fee (excluding embedding, redistribution and webfont use) even if you are making a profit on your comic. You may also use Blambot free fonts in merchandise directly supporting your comic. This is Blambot's way of supporting the indie comics community.

*If you are an independent or professional creator, publishing comics through a mainstream company, (Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Oni Press, Viz, Archie, Bongo, Image, IDW, Kodansha, TokyoPop, etc.) there is a license fee.

*Any other commercial use not listed above requires a license fee, including embedding fonts within an application, redistribution, and webfont use.

This font may not be redistributed without the author's permission
and must always include this text file in the .zip.

*Blambot/Nate Piekos makes no guarantees about these font files,
the completeness of character sets, or safety of these files on your
computer. By installing these fonts on your system, you prove that
you have read and understand the above, and you hold Blambot harmless
of all issues that may arise from the installation of said font files.

For questions and more information about commercial licenses of fonts, please contact Blambot at

For more free and original fonts visit Blambot.

Nate Piekos

Quasharfont download, Quashar font.