
Residuální - .ttf

13949 Downloads Download

Font Details


by V?t ?ond?k

Email: gunny(a)

En Cz Sk De Fr Pl

[ English License ]

Free for personal or non-commercial use.
In case you want to use the font for a commercial project please contact me to buy a license.

The public version of the font intentionally does not include numbers 5 to 9.
The full version is available only to licensed users.

If you think something in this font doesn't feel right please contact me too.

[ English Description ]

A curly font immitating brush calligraphy with really big upper case characters.
The big underline swash is mapped as tilde character (~).

[ ?esk? licence ]

Zdarma pro osobn? a nekomer?n? u?it?.
V p??pad?, ?e chcete font pou??t pro komer?n? ??ely, je nutn? m? kontaktovat a koupit si licenci.

Ve?ejn? verze fontu z?m?rn? neobsahuje ??slice 5 a? 9.
Pln? verze je dostupn? pouze licencovan?m u?ivatel?m.

Pokud ve fontu objev?te n?co, co by bylo vhodn? opravit nebo doladit, tak m? pros?m kontaktujte.

[ ?esk? popis ]

Zvln?n? font v p?smomal??sk?m stylu se skute?n? velk?mi velk?mi (ehm) p?smeny.
Velk? podtrh?vac? vlnovka je namapovan? jako znak tilda (~).


0.25 2016-01-19
* point optimization: yen ? mu paragraph AE ae
* tweaked: H Hbar (R) dbls Thorn eth summa Euro

0.24 2016-01-18
* point optimization: % & perth PQ vw cent pound
* tweaked: (c)

0.23 2016-01-15
* point optimization: "$@ BGJLMXYZ fgpqyz

0.22 2016-01-12
* tweaked: B D E H U W b d k l m s supfour
+ AaIiOoUuGgHhKkj+caron SsTt+comma AaEe+dot
* 401 glyphs total

0.21 2016-01-11
* tweaked margins of numbers and math symbols
* tweaked connections of lower case characters
* tweaked A C
* increased space width to 550
+ kerning: ML
+ Product Summa

0.20 2016-01-08
* optimization of points
* lots of minor tweaks everywhere

0.19 2016-01-07
* tweaked: E AE OE Oslash Thorn Lslash Eng Hbar
* tweaked: d l r eng
* optimization of lower case letters

0.18 2016-01-06
+ infinity Delta
+ kerning: V+ocaron
* tweaked: b f h k p r w
* fixed diacritic: ocaron udieresis
* optimization of upper case letters

0.17 2015-12-27
+ kerning: KL R+upper case K+space LL
* fixed some margins
* modified: Zacute Zcaron Zdot

0.16 2015-12-23
* first public release
+ all Latin characters + diacritic marks
+ 506 kerning pairs (mostly uppercase)

0.01 2015-12-06
+ first sketch

Residuálnífont download, Residuální font.