
Shoestore - .TTF

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Font Details

Thanks for downloading "Shoestore" from Insanitype! Font Design. This font is based on the lettering of the Journeys Shoe Store logo. I had to straighten it out a bit because the original logo followed a curve. The grave character (this one: `) produces the original Journeys Shoe Store logo, following the curve and all. Other than the grave, this font includes all of the keyboard keys, and a few extras. Any undefined letter (international letters, etc.) produce the Journeys handprint logo with "Insanitype!" written in it. If you use the font, please let me know!


This font is freeware. Feel free to use it all you want in any commercial or non-commercial projects including webpages, reports, etc. If you feel so inclined, I would appreciate a $15 registration fee for commercial projects. Hey, even if you don't use it in a commercial project, I'll take a donation. For this, please contact me via e-mail. You may redistribute this font all you like, but you must keep this documentation with it, and you may not edit it in any way without first gaining my permission. You may NOT sell this or any other of my fonts, or include in a product for sale without first gaining my permission. (*cough* *cough* Green Bay *cough *cough*)


Adam Nerland
Insanitype! Font Design


Shoestorefont download, Shoestore font.