
Slayer Dragon - .TTF

12094 Downloads Download

Slayer Dragon Gothic


A font comissioned by my good friend and author Rick Austinson for his upcoming Consecution Books series. This is a Medieval font for a map. This font is intended to look both Old, Demonic, and Wicked. Kind of Fantasy with a slight Graffiti flair. Check out the book at

This is free to do with whatever you wish, personal or commercial. Just don't claim ownership, sell it, redistribute it, or be a jerk with it.

It might be cool if you use the font to either credit MuraKnockout Media or Michael Muranaka, or show me how you used it! Enjoy!

Slayer Dragon font

slayer-dragon fontslayer-dragon font bigslayer-dragon font textslayer-dragon font 1

Slayer Dragon font zip file contents

Font NameDateFile Size
Slayer Dragon.ttf 2011-08-10 56 KB

Slayer Dragonfont download, Slayer Dragon font.