
Tamales - .TTF

12097 Downloads Download

Tamales Handwriting


Anmerkung des Autors

A organic and nice narrow typeface, suitable for menus, logos, pricetags and the like.

Donations $5 or more give you a basic commercial license for 1-5 users, and if the font is made into a PRO version later on then you get a copy of that, free of extra charge. For other uses please contact me.



Tamales font

tamales fonttamales font bigtamales font texttamales font 1

Tamales font zip file contents

Font NameDateFile Size
tamales.png 2018-10-28 45 KB
TamalesReg_FREE_FOR_PERSONAL_USE.ttf 2016-03-10 86 KB

Tamales font download, Tamales font.