
Universitas Studii Salamantini - .TTF

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Universitas Studii Salamantini Gothic

This font was used by graduates in the University of Salamanca since the 15th century. They show their pride and honour to get it writing or "graffiting" the University walls with fighting bull's blood.

This font was ordered for this University in the 20th century in order to give an owned identity to itself.

Until a couple of years, the Universitas Studii Salamantini Font was for exclusive use of teachers and students.

Use the ampersand sign *&* in order to get the ancient contraction consisting of a *D* and an *E*.

Universitas Studii Salamantini font

universitas-studii-salamantini fontuniversitas-studii-salamantini font biguniversitas-studii-salamantini font textuniversitas-studii-salamantini font 1

Universitas Studii Salamantini font zip file contents

Font NameDateFile Size
Universitas_Studii_Salamantini.ttf 2008-07-27 59 KB

Universitas Studii Salamantinifont download, Universitas Studii Salamantini font.