
VTC-Karnival - .OTF

Comic 2 font files
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VTC-Karnival Comic

VTC-Karnival font

Anmerkung des Autors

It was recently Fair/Carnival season here in Pennsylvania and me and my lady happened to be walking down one of the fairways and this Ice Cream stand was there with a giant sign on top of it done in a very cool lettering style, I snapped a picture of it because I thought one day maybe i'll draw it up on paper and make a complete font out of it. Well here it is ! I think this style lettering fits perfect for posters and signs of a whimsical nature, and I hope you do as well!

Enjoy and best regards

Larry E. Yerkes -

VTC-Karnival font

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VTC-Karnival font zip file contents

Font NameDateFile Size
VTC-Karnival Fat.otf 2013-09-13 30 KB
VTC-Karnival Fat.ttf 2013-09-13 86 KB

VTC-Karnivalfont download, VTC-Karnival font.