
Candy Sniper - .TTF

12102 Downloads Download

Candy Sniper Cartoon

Candy Sniper font

Candy Sniper fontCandy Sniper font bigCandy Sniper font textCandy Sniper font 1
Font NameDateFile Size
candy.txt 2001-02-18 734 B
CANDS___.TTF 1997-12-31 26 KB

Font Details

WWW.ROBOTJOHNNY.COM "CANDY SNIPER" Candy Sniper is copyright ? 1997-2001, Kathleen Kerr, and John Martz Kathleenie made this font for you. This font is TOYWARE. That means they're really not free after all. You can look at them, play with them, take them out on dates, buy them flowers... but you can't print anything with them without paying. Payment is in the form of a toy. Since I am a robot that refuses to grow up, send me a cool toy and consider the font paid for. (Robot toys get a special bonus in return!) Want to send me money? A toy? A robot? Some pie? My current contact information can always be found at And you can always e-mail me at

Candy Sniperfont download, Candy Sniper font.