
Rayman 2 - ttf

1182 Downloads Download

Rayman 2 Cartoon

Rayman 2 font

This font is originally from a Ubisoft video game by the name of "Rayman 2: The Great Escape." However, the game developers never released this font for download so I took the time to put it into a downloadable format.
I realize there is another version of this font on this site, but I wanted to add some touches to it and a few extra characters. Please email me atfranzliszt1811to1886@yahoo.comif you need anymore information

Rayman 2Rayman 2 fontRayman 2 font bigRayman 2 font textRayman 2 font 1

Font NameDateFile Size
Rayman2-bold.ttf 2021-03-18 56 KB
Rayman2-regular.ttf 2021-02-25 52 KB

Rayman 2font download, Rayman 2 font.